One of our recent blogs talked about how your social media can influence your chances of getting into your dream college or landing a job. It’s time to change how you think about social media and use it to help shape how you WANT the world to see you. Social media should be a place to showcase your passions, interests, positive influences and what drives you. How about telling the world about why you love CAMP!? Here are 10 great ways you can make your summer camp experiences SHINE on social media!
(tip: Include any of the ideas below on your Google+ and LinkedIn pages, which are both highly searchable and interesting to colleges and employers.)
- Make Camp Towanda part of your digital profile. If you are a camper, this could be “camper at heart” on Twitter or Instagram or if you were/are a staff member “worked at Camp Towanda”.
- Share the good you do at camp and postphotos, videos or write blogs about your participation with our camp philanthropy programs like Vision Walk, Morry’s Camp and SCOPE. Make sure you tag Camp Towanda and those organizations. Ask them to share your content.
- Chronicle your camp experiences on a blog or make your college essay about camp. So many of you use camp as a subject for school projects. Get them published online. Some thought-starters: how has Camp influenced your life, your interests, your involvement in the community and your professional aspirations? Share a time that you were challenged at camp that changed you forever. Write a persuasive essay on why today’s youth should spend a summer at camp instead of a desk internship. Share what has camp taught you about yourself that you could never learn in school.
- Publish a camp-themed BuzzFeed article. Here’s a fun one for inspiration!
- Did you ever give a sermon at camp or write an article for the Towanda Times? Give us a copy and we will put it on our blog so you can share on your social media. Just ask!
- Write a blog giving advice to first year campers or counselors about what life is like at summer camp. We’ll share that too!
- Create boards on Pinterest that are a tribute to your camp passions. Friendship bracelets, Legos, nature art, KitKats!
- Write a Tumblr blog cooking show on YouTube documenting you making ourcamp recipes at home or camp-inspired food.
- Create a series of art that is homage to camp. Share your projects on Instagram. Don’t forget to tag @CampTowanda.
- Create a camp tribute video. It could be funny, emotional or inspiring. Just have fun! Create a comic strip about camp adventures (look out Cheese, Milk & Pickle!) and publish it on Tumblr.
These ideas are just the beginning. Share with us how YOU make camp shine on your social media. It you have any questions you can always email our Social Media Director [email protected]. For more social media ideas and advice, check out this entire article and more under “Social Media Smarts” on our blog and on Pinterest.
Written by: Lauren Eckstein Forman, Social Media Director at Camp Towanda
About Camp Towanda:
Camp Towanda is an independent, traditional, co-ed sleep-away camp in the Poconos in Pennsylvania. It is privately owned, operated and directed by Mitch and Stephanie Reiter. For over 90 years, Camp Towanda has continued to define what camp should really be. Our program offers state-of-the-art facilities, an excellent and professional athletic department, waterfront, extensive arts, drama and adventure programs, culinary cooking classes, and special events. We are highly regarded and respected as an industry leader and are involved in giving back to various organizations throughout the year. Camp Towanda is accredited by the American Camp Association and a member of the Camp-Alert-Network, Wayne County Camp Association, Camp Owners and Directors Association and the Pennsylvania Camp Association.